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Treatise on Astrology by Albumazar - Liber Astrologiae Leatherbound FacsimileTreatise on Astrology by Albumazar - Liber Astrologiae Leatherbound Facsimile
GBP 124.9
Category : Antiquarian & Collectable
Seller : opusfinearts(234, 97.1%)
GBP 270.0
Category : Antiquarian & Collectable
Seller : chapatipaul(4402, 100.0%)
Roscoe,H.E. - A Treatise on chemistry. Vol.I:The non metallic elements. Vol.II:MRoscoe,H.E. - A Treatise on chemistry. Vol.I:The non metallic elements. Vol.II:M
EUR 140.0
Category : Libri antichi e da collezione
Seller : firenzelibri_srl(2007, 99.9%)
A Treatise of Human Nature - volume 2 Hume, David:A Treatise of Human Nature - volume 2 Hume, David:
EUR 15.0
Category : Bücher
Seller : avelibro(2799, 99.7%)
TODHUNTER, I. (ISAAC) (1820-1884) An elementary treatise on the theory of equatiTODHUNTER, I. (ISAAC) (1820-1884) An elementary treatise on the theory of equati
EUR 26.2
Category : Libri antichi e da collezione
Seller : mwbooks2(3928, 98.8%)
A treatise on practical mensuration, in ten pars [...] Fourteenth edition, en...A treatise on practical mensuration, in ten pars [...] Fourteenth edition, en...
EUR 20.0
Category : Libri antichi e da collezione
Seller : libreriagozzini(1754, 99.7%)
The Treatise On The Astrolabe 1870 [Leather Bound]The Treatise On The Astrolabe 1870 [Leather Bound]
GBP 52.08
Category : Books
Seller : gyan_booksuk(474, 99.4%)
Yacht architecture a treatise on the laws which govern the resis [Leather Bound]Yacht architecture a treatise on the laws which govern the resis [Leather Bound]
GBP 85.54
Category : Books
Seller : gyan_booksuk(473, 99.4%)
Treatise On the Working & Management of Steam Boilers & Engines(1892) (ID:05084)Treatise On the Working & Management of Steam Boilers & Engines(1892) (ID:05084)
GBP 46.0
Category : Antiquarian & Collectable
Seller : worldofrarebooks(180104, 99.7%)
A Treatise On The Moral Ideals 1876 [Leather Bound]A Treatise On The Moral Ideals 1876 [Leather Bound]
GBP 70.04
Category : Books
Seller : gyan_booksuk(473, 99.4%)
A Treatise of Human Nature (Various - 1965) (ID:25382)A Treatise of Human Nature (Various - 1965) (ID:25382)
GBP 20.07
Category : Antiquarian & Collectable
Seller : worldofrarebooks(180540, 99.7%)
A Treatise of Civil Power, Hill, GeoffreyA Treatise of Civil Power, Hill, Geoffrey
EUR 7.42
Category : Bücher
Seller : worldofbooksde(123367, 97.7%)
treatise on materials sciences and technology :   glass ivtreatise on materials sciences and technology : glass iv
EUR 7.0
Category : Saggistica
Seller : umberto8951(5898, 100.0%)
A Treatise The Law of Intellectual Productions. In Intellectual Productions in GA Treatise The Law of Intellectual Productions. In Intellectual Productions in G
EUR 16.0
Category : Libri antichi e da collezione
Seller : bibliotecadibabele.libri(40101, 100.0%)
A Treatise On The Decorative Part Of Civil Architecture; ChambersA Treatise On The Decorative Part Of Civil Architecture; Chambers
GBP 21.99
Category : Books
Seller : riveting_books(974, 100.0%)
Treatise On Military Carriages And Other Manufatures Of The Roya [Leather Bound]Treatise On Military Carriages And Other Manufatures Of The Roya [Leather Bound]
GBP 88.87
Category : Books
Seller : gyan_booksuk(473, 99.4%)
treatise on materials science and technology  glass iiitreatise on materials science and technology glass iii
EUR 7.0
Category : Saggistica
Seller : umberto8951(5896, 100.0%)
A complete treatise on the conjugation of French Verbs - Castarede-Hachette 1935A complete treatise on the conjugation of French Verbs - Castarede-Hachette 1935
EUR 18.0
Category : Libri antichi e da collezione
Seller : roscas67(1271, 100.0%)
treatise on materials science and technology : weartreatise on materials science and technology : wear
EUR 7.5
Category : Saggistica
Seller : umberto8951(5896, 100.0%)
Second Treatise of Government. Locke, John:Second Treatise of Government. Locke, John:
EUR 13.0
Category : Antiquarische Bücher
Seller : buchfundus-berlin(13531, 99.6%)